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Sunday, January 29, 2006

Darrell Hammond


Globeshakers with Tim Zak

Darrell Hammond

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Too many kids are missing out on one of the most important childhood experiences. A childhood experience that can help kids grow up healthy, happy and successful. An experience chock full of creativity, exploration, imagination, physical activity, friendship and adventure. The experience is play.

Host Tim Zak speaks with Darrell Hammond, founder of KaBOOM!, who envisions a great place to play within walking distance of every child in America. Darrell gives a “State of the Union of Play” address regarding play in America, why it matters for the health of our children, and what it means for the future of the American workforce.

Since 1995, KaBOOM! has used its innovative community-build model to bring together business and community interests to construct more than 850 new playgrounds and skateparks and renovate 1,300 others nationwide.

Play is a crucial factor in the overall well-being of children. It affects the level of quality of life they will enjoy. Yet, play in many communities, schools, and families has been pushed to the back-burner. Unstructured (i.e. free, unplanned, unrestricted, spontaneous, self-motivated) play is on the decline, and so are the benefits and good habits that go with it. Fewer kids spend time every day at a park or playground, recess is disappearing from curriculums, and playgrounds are missing from community and neighborhood development plans.

There is a nationwide scarcity of play and we are beginning to see a stark difference between children who play and children who don't.

Some statistics:

  • Less than half of American children have a playground within walking distance of their homes;
  • Sixty-one percent of Americans say simple lack of access to a playground is a barrier to their children playing on one;
  • One in three people feel there are not enough playgrounds in their community to serve the number of children who live there;
  • One in four Americans say the location of the nearest playground was an important factor in their decision to choose where they currently live;
  • Only one in two households believe the nearest playground is in very good condition and is well-maintained;
  • Two of three surveyed agree that using a playground is a deterrent to watching television.


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