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Sunday, January 29, 2006

Alex Lindsay

Chief Architect, PixelCorps

The Next Generation of Digital Craftsman

Alex Lindsay

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Over 500 Years ago, craftsmen rarely worked for a company. They were contracted for a period time and then moved on to the next contract. To remain competitive in such an atmosphere, many formed “guilds” or organizations designed to provide networking, ongoing training, standards, certification, and even some social services among their members. Kings did not post jobs in the classifieds to find craftsmen, they contacted guilds who did not compel the employers to hire their members but simply were the only ones who could produce the work.

As “Chief Architect” of PixelCorps, Alex Lindsay merges the very old idea of a guild system made up of independent craftsman with the demands of mastering new and emerging media. PixelCorps serves as a guild for the next generation of craftsmen--digital craftsmen.

They are currently transfering skills in digital imaging and animation to regions in the developing world, so that those citizens may capitalize on the coming media revolution.

In order to survive as a craftsman in this new mediascape, PixelCorps believes companies and individuals must be able to solve the following challenges: inexpensive and on-going training, standardization, access to resources, true production experience and networking with other practitioners.

Globeshakers host Tim Zak talks to Alex about the PixelCorps goals and challenges. Tim wanted to know whether the model can broaden into other areas of technology (ex. medicine, infomatics, engineering, robotics)?

Tim asks: "As someone from the for-profit world of broadcast media, what changes did you have to make as a social entrepreneur?"

Alex shares his experience in working with corporate partners such as Apple, Adobe and others from the film and broadcast world. As the founder of a social-purpose company, he ends the conversation with advice to others who may have an equally audacious vision.

"For me, why bother doing anything else? When you're out there to make a difference for a lot of people--a profound difference--oftentimes many things pop up to help you move further down that path."


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